Real Truth. Real Life. Real Hope.

The Good News

God Made YOU On Purposeyou aren’t an accident.

God made you for something awesome – there is a reason for your life and he has made you for a specific purpose.

He made you to know him and to walk with him and to live your life in relationship with him. This was his original plan.

He also made you unique – only you can be you! You were designed to live the life he has given you and to find great joy and fulfillment realizing that you are part of his plan and by discovering your important part in his great story. He loves you.

But there’s a problem…

What Happened?

Even though God created us to know Him, we chose our own way and (as a result) that relationship with God was broken. This attitude to live our lives independent of our maker (and the results  of this attitude) is what the bible calls “Sin”.

It is a condition of every human heart.  It is because of our sin that we experience profound  brokenness in so many ways.

We live in a broken world made up of broken countries. Our countries are filled with broken communities populated by broken families made up of broken people  –  and we’re all broken.  It’s also because of our sin that we will one day stand before him (accountable for our actions) facing his just & holy judgment.  We will have no excuses, there will be no escape and there will be no exceptions.  In ourselves – there’s no cure.  On our own, there is no hope.

But there’s good news!


1. God Loves You more than You’ll Ever Fathom.

Because of God’s love for you, he was willing to pay the ultimate price so that our brokenness could be mended and the barrier created by our sin could be destroyed.

How did he do this? (John 3:16;  Ephesians 2:4-5)

2. God Sent his Son Jesus to Pay the Price for your Sin

There is absolutely nothing you can ever do to pay the price for your sin. We can’t earn forgiveness and we certainly don’t  deserve it.

What you could never do for yourself, God the Father has done through his Son – Jesus Christ. When the Son of God hung on the cross, all sin (past, present & future) was placed on him and he bore the judgment & wrath of God in your place.

He took your sin on himself and the holy justice of God was satisfied.  (Romans 5:6-8;  2 Corinthians 5:21)

3. You can receive forgiveness through faith in what Jesus has done for you

Faith is trusting in what Jesus has done for you rather than trusting your own efforts to earn religious brownie points with God. Faith is complete reliance on Christ to put you in right relationship with God, allowing Him to live His life through you.

Faith also involves repentance or genuine sorrow for sin and willingness to turn away from sin – (John 14:6; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9-10)

God’s word tells us that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins.” (1 John 1:9)

4. Through Prayer you can Trust in Jesus Christ

God hears every single heartcry (he hears yours).  Through prayer you can express your heart to him.

It’s not the words you pray as much as the sincerity behind them.

Here’s where you can start:

  1. Admit to God that you are a sinner. Express sorrow or repentance for your sinfulness.
  2. Believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for your sin – and that what he accomplished was enough.
  3. Confess your sin to him. Ask Him to forgive you & totally turn from it.
  4. Dedicate your life to him by giving it to him. Turn over your hurts & hopes, your fears & future. Give it all to him.
  5. Express thanks to him for his undeserved mercy & unmerited Grace (we don’t deserve it & could never earn it).
  6. Follow him. As a new believer iin Christ, you need to learn how to follow him by putting him first in everything.

If this expressed the desire of your heart and you have prayed these things – by giving your life to Christ. Please take a moment & let us know by calling or sending us a note from our contact page.

This is the most important decision you will ever make in your life.