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We look to God’s word for strength, encouragement and wisdom.
Over the course of a year we dive in and deal with various topics that are both relevant and practical to everyday life. We also dive deep into the richness of God’s word to come to know his heart in deeper ways. You simply can’t trust someone you don’t know. Knowing God enables us to trust him with the circumstances of our lives in very practical ways. We learn to trust God with our daily decisions, personal priorities, opinions & attitudes, our important relationships, marriages, families. We also learn to trust him with our hopes, dreams and the future. We place it all in his hands.
Our Current Sermon Series:
Ephesians: Walking in Grace
Do you understand the gospel? Do you truly understand it? I know we say the word lots in churches but do we understand what it means to be saved by grace? Surprisingly many do not know the full extent of grace. Also, do we understand that the power of the gospel does not end at our point of salvation. That the grace we have been given also empowers us to live for God. And so Ephesians is broken into 2 parts. Chapters 1-3 is all about the gospel and what it means to be saved by grace. And Chapters 4-6 is all about walking in the power of that grace. All of our salvation, all of our Spiritual life, comes down from the author and perfecter of our faith Jesus Christ to the praise of His glorious grace.
Here are some of our previous Sermon Series:
The Book of Revelation: Enduring to the End
That you may know you have eternal life. The Epistles of John
“That you may know that you have eternal life”. Those are the words of John as he wrote to the church. It is his own stated reason for writing the letters. His aim was to counter false teaching of gnosticism and help them be assured of their salvation. How do we know that we are saved? What should be true for the Christians life if we are indeed saved by Christ? How do we test that? How do we discern it? And Intertwined with that purpose are themes of God’s light, The truth, the love of God and righteous living. 1 John will disciple us as believers, challenge us with exceedingly practical teachings, and usher us to Christ our Lord!
What Does the Bible Say About Spiritual Warfare?
On a topic that is prone to swings of weird and mystical and absurd on the one hand to total denial on the other hand, we are forced to ask…What does the bible actually say about Spiritual Warfare? If we hope to engage in any meaningful way in the spiritual battle we must ask God; How do you want us as believers to fight? What does it look like? And how do I defend against the attacks of the evil one? What meaningful way can Christians engage? What do we need to know?
Kentwood Distinctives
As the body of Christ, it is important that we have shared convictions on what scripture says regarding God, people and the church. Why do we do what we do? How do our practices come from scriptural truths? What does the bible have to say about preaching, leadership, complementary roles of men and women, and the gospel represented in weekly communion? Do these things really matter to God or are they just man-made ideas? Every church has its convictions, and we hope in this series to highlight some of ours here at Kentwood, so that we can be moving together as a body and valuing the scriptural teaching of our God regarding how we do church!
Genesis: Creation / Sin / Redemption
“In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth”. This monumental truth from the book of Genesis changes everything. It is the basis for knowing why we exist and for whom we exist. In Genesis we will see the foundations of all of scripture established. We will look at creation, the fall, and the promise of redemption in a coming savior. It is essential that we rightly handle the book of Genesis, because by doing so, the rest of God’s word and our lives suddenly makes sense.
The Gospel of Matthew: Messiah and King
Matthew; a redeemed tax collector and one of the 12 disciples of Christ; wrote down an account of the amazing time in history when God came to save us from sin and death. Being manifested in the form of a man, God became like us in the flesh and yet was without sin. Matthew wrote his gospel to show Christ as the promised one. Jesus is the one of whom the Old Testament prophets spoke. He is savior and Lord. Indeed, He is the long-awaited Messiah and King. Do you Believe? Is He your Messiah and King? Come and see.
The Book of 2 Corinthians
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those,” (who are afflicted.) If you have been asking yourself the question, “what is the purpose of my own suffering?”, then look closely because Paul answers it here. We suffer so that we may also receive Gods comfort, and with that comfort we then use it to comfort others. Nothing is wasted!
1 Corinthians: Course Correction.
The Corinthian church was a messy church. It was a divided church; it was a theologically misguided church; it was a sin sick church and it was a church that was compromised by the culture it found itself in. Many of our churches today find themselves in similar circumstances. Paul addresses this with the Corinthians by giving them a “course correction”. I believe this is precisely what we need as a church today. O God clean up the mess, and correct the course of your church for your glory and for your name!
“Faith” (The Book of Hebrews)
Everyone has an opinion – and everyone just loves to express their opinions & vent their views via whatever social media platform they choose. We live in a world that is simply awash & flooded with so many different views and opinions regarding what is true and what is not.
- What does God have to say about what matters?
- What does God have to say about ultimate stuff?
- What is God’s “bottom line” when it comes to your life now & after?
In this series you will discover that Jesus is your Best & Only Option.